Monete e Conio
Diecimila Lire di Dante Alighieri
LOTTO 2712 Limited edition banknote Publisher: Art Officina Technique: engraved on raw copper plate, with 24kt gold finish Dim: 246 x 125 cm Example 27/399
Storia della Lira nel Regno di Vittorio Emanuele III
LOTTO 2817 Coins in limited series Publisher: IPZS Technique:
Medaglia del Giubileo Anno Santo – 2000
LOTTO 2865 Limited series medal Publisher: IPZS Technique: 917% gold, diameter 30 mm, weight 16g
Cinquecento Lire Italia Ornata di Spighe
LOTTO 2875 Banknote limited series Publisher: Art’Officina Technique: engraved on raw copper plate with 24kt gold finish, mm 146×70 Exemplar: 17/399
Dante Alighieri. Banconota da Lire 10.000
LOTTO 2922 Limited series banknote Publisher: LiberArtis Technique: reproduced on a 23kt gold leaf, the gold is alloyed with a minimum percentage of silver and copper (42 thousandths), brought to a reduced thickness of 12 microns Exemplary: 115/499
Cinquecentomila Lire Raffaello Sanzio
LOTTO 2874 Banknote limited series Publisher: Art’Officina Technique: engraved on raw copper plate with 24kt gold finish, mm 163×78 Exemplar: 32/399
Medaglia Cinquecentenario Leonardo
LOTTO 2898 Limited edition watch – dial made with medal Publisher: Antica Zecca di Lucca Technique: 750% gold, diameter 23.3 mm Exemplary: 32/99
La Storia della Lira nella Repubblica Italiana. Lire segrete – Collezione L. 1000
LOTTO 2899 Limited series coins Publisher: IPZS Technique: 2,999 examples