Sergio Verginelli was born and grown in Rome, in a family of artists: his uncle Goffredo, well-known sculptor and medallist, was an Academy teacher. After many artistical experiences, Sergio Verginelli reached sculpture in 1968, beginning with a Verism in the classical style, which he abandoned afterwards to find his own style, which exalts the formal lyrism through an interesting research. He expresses the bottom of himself, getting the themes from his interior dreams, from his thoughets and from his ispirations, materializing with spontaneity and sincerity the emotions of his unconscious. His are “projections of matter” of a refined artistical culture sought from his beginnings. In his creations he gives body to images, developing them and giving them substance, in a compositive and armonical rhythm which and giving them a strong sense of freedom. It is an endless whirl of tensions which aoooear along the surface of different levels and volumes that interwine; so that the observer has the sensation to see the image grow in front of his eyes, making him the protagonist. The realization of works of art on classical music, such as Beethoven “Hymn of Joy” or Wagner’s “Walkirie” is very disinctive(Corredy out by Prete Family of Rome and Eurodata S.p.A. of Rome).
After various artistic experiences, Sergio Verginelli ventured into sculpture, initially adopting a classical veristic style which he later abandoned in favor of his own style that emphasizes formal lyricism through personal exploration. In his creations, he gives shape to images, developing and substantiating them in a harmonious composition that imbues them with a strong sense of freedom. He is an artist of great sensitivity and plastic qualities, and his sculpting is always rich in surprising inventiveness. His extensive body of work and presence in solo and group exhibitions throughout Europe establish him as one of the leading Italian sculptors of our time.
Maternità ed. 2012