Paola Ruggiero

Paola Ruggiero was born in Salerno. In 1991, she arrived in Rome, precisely in Calcata (Falisca area of ​​Lazio), where she settled for several years. Inspired by the ancient sacredness of the place, it is here that she begins to experiment with material art, sharing her artistic experience with a circle of internationally renowned artists.

In 2001, she moved to Assisi, where she encountered and attended the studio of the artist Elvio Marchionni. He filled her already matured figurative expressionism by enriching it with the study of materials, particularly plaster techniques such as the “guizzo” and “grafite” techniques. In Paola Ruggiero’s works, you can immediately perceive the dialectical interpretation of mystical symbolism. In addition to her sensual female figures, she presents, with a multifaceted and consolidated technique, pictorial outcomes of rare chromatic beauty and literary references.

Without betraying the figurative expressiveness of the female, where a succession of graceful faces is visualized, their eyes becoming the mirror of the soul. The painter utilizes these wisdom references not so much to impress the visitor with a series of enveloping and engaging outcomes in cultural intelligence and partially esoteric echoes. Instead, she uses them to respond to the urgency of her heart and mind, which do not pursue utilitarianism but enchant themselves with the beauty of images.

The artistic style of Ruggiero is highly original because the artist has found her way of modern painting by drawing on her culture and yesterday’s imagination. Through an original feminine interpretation of a pictorial reality that never lacks an aesthetic dimension. Her works are part of public and private collections in Italy, the United States, Norway, France, London, Germany, Australia, and India.

io posso ascoltare

