Divina Commedia del Duca Filippo Maria Visconti

Divina Commedia del Duca Filippo Maria Visconti

illuminated facsimile, multiple

  • The print run consists of 300 copies numbered in Arabic numerals and 50 copies numbered in Roman numerals.
  • This edition was created on the occasion of the 700th Anniversary of Dante, 1321-2021.
  • A facsimile of the manuscripts, MS Italian 2017 granted by the Bibliothèque Nationale de France, MS76 granted by the Biblioteca di Imola.
  • This edition has been executed with faithful adherence to the original manuscripts in terms of dimension, color, aesthetics, and tactile qualities.
  • The quality of materials and techniques employed, along with the exclusivity of permissions, bestow upon this work an imprimatur of absolute excellence.
  • The work comprises 395 pages containing the texts of Dante and Guiniforte Barzizza, adorned with 72 miniatures attributed to the “Master of the Vitae Imperatorum.”
  • The blue leather cover with gold decorations has been conceived and crafted based on an original design inspired by bindings of the time.