Divina Commedia

Divina Commedia
  • This edition is the inaugural work of the Biblia Artis Collection, conceived and produced by the publishing house UTET Grandi Opere.
  • Comprising 520 pages in the closed format of 32.5×45 cm for a limited edition of 1499 copies numbered in Arabic numerals from 1/1499 to 1499/1499.
  • The texts were set in Bodonian typefaces, and the images of the works by the artist Andrea Mariconti and the plates by William Blake were printed at the printing house of Lamberto Pigini in Loreto.
  • The veiled paper, made of pure cotton weighing 160 gsm, adorned with a papal watermark created manually at Cartiere Magnani in Pescia.
  • The stitching, binding, and cover in fine natural calf leather, dyed in a pigeon’s blood color, were executed at the Art of Bookbinding workshop in Todi.
  • The volume concludes with an extensive iconographic section that includes two hundred and four images from manuscripts, illustrations, and works of art, all inspired by Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy. These were elaborated in photolithography in the workshop of Mirco Cestari in Bologna and printed in five colors on Gardapat 13 Chiara paper from Cartiere del Garda at the printing house of Lamberto Pigini in Loreto.
  • On the cover of the volume, a detail from Domenico di Michelino’s painting “Dante mostra la Commedia” has been placed; the work depicting the Supreme Poet was created manually using the lithographic technique on a metal plate measuring 22×30 cm at the Art Printing House of Luigi Berardinelli in Verona.