
If there were a little more silence, if we all kept quiet… maybe we could understand something… (c) Fellini

A very young boy is seated near a window from which the majestic dome of St. Peter’s can be admired. His young age and modern perspective add a unique nuance to this scene imbued with mystery and spirituality.

The young generation often finds itself navigating a frenetic world, full of noise and distractions. But the boy, in a rare moment of reflection, seeks inner silence and the opportunity to understand something deeper.

Through the view of the dome of St. Peter’s, a symbol of spirituality and sacredness, the boy opens himself to thoughts about the future and his place in the world. He feels the magnetic attraction of the church, both in its majesty and its darker side, as human holiness can be complex and mysterious.

It is an invitation to spend a bit more time in inner silence, to turn off the external noise, and to immerse oneself in the depths of one’s mind and spirit. Through this silence, perhaps we can glimpse and understand something deeper and more meaningful in our lives and our spiritual journey.

Author: Disemino


Technique: Fine Art Print Canson RAG Photographique 310

Dim. 50×70 cm