Multiple Artworks
I Promessi Sposi
LOTTO 2688 Author: Alberto Sughi Artist’s book with bas-relief, multiple Publisher: ART’È Copy: 1807/1925
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LOTTO 2700 Author: Mario Schifano Multiple Artwork Technique: Enamel, acrylic and sand on canvas Dim. 130 x 150 cm
Don Chisciotte della Mancia
LOTTO 2730 Author: Leonardo Lucchi Multiple Artist’s Book Publisher: Nov’Arte Italia Copy: 5/78
Studio Metodologico Mario Schifano
LOTTO 2705 Methodological study regarding the computer cataloguing of data relating to the works of Mario Schifano present at the M.S. Multistudio foundation Valuable book, multiple n. 5 volumes
Diecimila Lire di Dante Alighieri
LOTTO 2712 Limited edition banknote Publisher: Art Officina Technique: engraved on raw copper plate, with 24kt gold finish Dim: 246 x 125 cm Example 27/399
Boldini. Catalogo Generale dei disegni
LOTTO 2706 Valuable book, multiple Publisher: Skira n. 3 volumes
LOTTO 2721 Author: Ugo Attardi Multiple Artist’s Book Publisher: Scripta arte
LOTTO 2804 Author: Francesca Capitini Artist’s book with medal, multiple Medal diameter 85mm, average thickness 8mm, 24kt gold Publisher: La Memoria dell’Arte Exemplary: 50/80
Regia Carmina di Convenevole da Prato
LOTTO 2731 illuminated manuscript facsimile, multiple Publisher: ArtCodex
LOTTO 2839 Author: Elvio Marchionni Artist’s book with bas-relief, multiple Publisher: ART’È Copy: 1076/1425