Amoarte Sofi Gallery e AAIE Gallery


Project PicassoDefi

Stand D04 at the international fair

Affordable Art Fair Hong Kong from 16 to 19 may 2024

Vernissage openning at Rome c/o AAIE Center for Contemporary Art
from 5 to 20 april 2024 – Via Sermide 7 – 00182 Roma

Preface and critical texts by Francesco Gallo Mazzeo


Magnifica is a selection of artists, predominantly Italian, but also from other countries around the world, aiming to highlight a broad, eclectic perspective on contemporary painting. It turns towards chromatic and formal research, attentive not to succumb to fleeting trends but to express a modern concept of quality and the fantastical and imaginary preciousness. Quality is synonymous with durability, reflection, and a willingness to contribute to the beauty of life, in harmony with the infinite variations of the sublime, which is expressed as a feeling of vastness, in comparison with the human sense of beauty. From this comes the visual expansion of originality, which wants to coexist with the new, with the different, in the sense of broadening the humanity of all of us, finding in art that synthesis of formal novelty and suggestive content. We are, therefore, in the company of artists who make experimentation a poetic and technical meditation, to progress on the path of seeing, which is the rich, emotional, sentimental way of pure and simple seeing. Therefore, it is an art that knows how to educate to its devotion to the forms of expression, to their unheard musicality, to their intangible physicality, capable of fascinating, of enchanting. A selection that finds in diversity, in strong individuality, its secret engine, which is not only figurative or only abstract, only ornate or only geometric, but all these things put together, in a stylistic eclecticism, which is a overcoming of the excluding rush of historical artistic avant-gardes, which were based on the novelty of the absolute, excluding every diversity, but on the welcome of the also, in living together, in the awareness of the need for different forms and tones, where everyone contributes and all make a great chorus, on the wings of the golden invention.

Create Value

It is a long-term strategic agreement that aims to enhance a vast artistic, creative, and aesthetic environment of international scope, to which Amoarte Sofi Gallery and AAIE Gallery contribute equally, starting from different horizons but with a common goal of promoting Chinese and Italian artists first and foremost, but without any closures to other nationalities, themes, or affiliations to figuration and abstraction. CREATE VALUE has as its cultural vision that of seeking quality in any form and manner, in the name of a free imagination that has as its horizon that of beauty and the sublime.

Amoarte Sofi Gallery is a gallery based in Bergamo, a comprehensive artistic and cultural business organization that carefully follows the production work of the artists it deals with, with meticulous and punctual care in the choice of individual works that must have characteristics of excellence even in the materials they are made of.

AAIE Gallery is a gallery based in Rome, which carries out a whole activity of exhibitions and presentations, not only of artists linked to the structure, but open to proposals that come from all over the Italian and Chinese territory, promoting a knowledge that leads to the enrichment of all.


Donglai Meng

Salvatore Pupillo

Rocco Salvia

Gian Carlo Ciccozzi

Xintong Gao


Gabriel Lass

Stefano Turrini

Angelo Barone

Off-catalog Artists

Nutty Trapanig

Michele Valenza

Special thanks to the art dealer Raffaele Tortorella, CEO of Consulting art srl, the sole investor of the PicassoDefi Project, who strongly wanted to present, after New York, his PicassoDefi Project in partnership between his Amoarte Sofi Gallery in Bergamo and the AAIE contemporary art gallery in Rome.

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