Leonardo Cremonini

Leonardo Cremonini (Bologna, 1925 – Paris, 2010)

attended the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna for four years. After the war, he moved to Milan, where he enrolled at the Brera Academy. From 1950, he lived and worked in Venice, where he met Virgilio Guidi, Peggy Guggenheim, and Giuseppe Marchiori. During these years, his style shifted away from academicism towards purely imaginative painting.

From 1952 to 1960, he exhibited almost exclusively in New York, even though he did not reside there. During this prolific period, he formed friendships with significant national and international artists. Cremonini continued to live in Paris, occasionally traveling to work in major European cities.

In 1964, he participated in the Venice Biennale, and in 1965, in the Rome Quadriennale.

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